Interactive Learning Modules
Please join us as we engage in interactive learning, fellowship, and growth in the Spirit.
Each session will be on Sundays from 11 AM to 1 PM.
The schedule for the learning modules is:
January 26: Discipleship Models
February. 16: Ministry Models
March 9: Revenue Models
March 23: Governance Models
These learning modules will help us to decide which vehicles and itineraries to use toward the next destination.
In this module we will learn about how following Jesus shapes our lives for the better.
In this module we look at the most effective ministry models and how churches adapt them.
In this module we look at strategies to diversify income streams to advance the church’s mission and service to the community.
In this module we look at how a simpler structure frees up more time and money for faithful
activities that people love to do.
If you can't make it in person, join us via Zoom.
This link will get you into all 4 sessions:
If you are not online and would like to attend remotely, please call this phone number:
(646) 931-3860
meeting ID: 881 4818 9042.