Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education (CE) consists of seven persons. Six (6) members of the Board are elected two (2) per year, each to serve a term of three (3) years. At least one (1) of these six (6) members should be from the Sunday School teaching staff. The Christian Education Director/Superintendent will be the seventh member and shall have voice and may vote at Board meetings, provided he/she is a participating member of the church.
This Board will plan and supervise the general policies of the church’s educational program, including but not limited to Nursery Care, Sunday School, Youth Fellowship Groups and related youth programs, Vacation Church School, and Adult Education Programs. This Board will select its own chairperson and recording secretary. A member of the Board of Christian Education will attend meetings of the Safe Church Policy Committee and Mission Committee.
The Board of Christian Education is responsible for the hiring of a Christian Education Director and the appointment of a Youth Director. The CE Director is a paid staff member who works in cooperation with the Board of Christian Education. The CE Director is the chief administrator of the Sunday School and is responsible for creating a well-rounded program of Christian Education. Responsibilities include curriculum selection, teacher training, and scheduling the Sunday School year. The Youth Director is responsible for the Youth Group and creating a Christian-centered youth program.
The CE Director and Youth Director report directly to the Board of Christian Education. In the absence of the CE Director, a Sunday School Superintendent may be elected to fill this position or the CE chairperson may act in the capacity of the Sunday School Superintendent (the Sunday School Superintendent, who must be a participating Church member, is elected to serve for one (1) year and may be reelected if this position is deemed needed by the Board). In the absence of a CE Director or Superintendent, the Board of Christian Education shall act as the administrative body of the Sunday School.
Sunday school begins in worship at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday – children / youth go to classes following a brief children’s message and are dismissed by 11:15 a.m. each week.