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The Diaconate consists of four (4) Deacons and four (4) Deaconesses, each of whom shall be a participating Church member, elected to serve a term of four (4) years. One (1) Deacon and one (1) Deaconess shall be elected each year. The Diaconate may elect a Junior Deacon and/or Deaconess each year. The Diaconate will elect its chairperson and recording secretary each year.

The Pastor shall be a member of this Board with full privileges and voting rights, but may not fill the chair. A Deacon or Deaconess who has served for three (3) or more terms may be elected a Deacon or Deaconess Emeritus, and upon such election shall be entitled to all the privileges of an active member of the Diaconate but may not serve as chairperson.

The Diaconate shall share with the Pastor the oversight of the spiritual life of the Church and have general oversight of the services of worship including assisting and preparing and administering of sacraments. They shall supply the pulpit in case of temporary vacancy and in the absence of the Pastor, and will be responsible for providing greeters and ushers at services. The Diaconate will appoint one (1) of its members to serve on the Nominating Committee, Safe Church Committee, and Mission Committee.

The Diaconate shall have sole administration of the Deacon’s Fund, which shall be held by the Pastor. The Pastor shall expend funds as deemed appropriate and provide a quarterly report of accounting to the Diaconate. The Board shall visit the sick and needy, call upon members, introduce new families in the life of the Church, and cooperate with the Pastor in promoting the spiritual interests of the Church.

The Diaconate shall receive applications for Church membership and present such applications to the Church with their recommendations, and it shall make an annual survey of the participating Church members (Article V, Section 5). The Board shall give attention to discipline, as provided for in Article V, Section 6d. The Board shall perform such acts or provide such other services as may be deemed necessary for the proper conduct of worship.

The Diaconate shall, after consultation with the Pastoral Relations Committee, conduct an annual review with the Pastor regarding his/her ministry, salary and allowances, and recommend budgetary changes to the Finance and Trustees Board.


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