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Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee consists of five (5) persons. Three (3) elected to serve three (3) year terms, one (1) each year, and members shall be nominated by the Church Cabinet. The fourth member shall be a Deacon or Deaconess appointed by the Diaconate and the fifth shall be a member of the Finance and Trustees Board. Both appointees may succeed themselves.

Beginning not less than six (6) months before the annual meeting, this Committee will meet at least monthly to give serious and prayerful consideration to the needs of the Church. After conferring with each Board and Committee, the Nominating Committee prepares a ballot of qualified nominees for Officers, Boards, and Committees in accordance with the Church Bylaws. The slate of nominees shall be physically and electronically posted at least seven (7) days before the annual meeting.

Church members may make a recommendation to the Nominating Committee for consideration from the floor at any Church meeting.


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