I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Psalms 27:13
Music: "Blessings" Laura Story
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQan9L3yXjc
Message: Blessings in the Wilderness
After a sweet, kind farewell to Rev. Tom, we now stand on the threshold of a new world. We can and should feel all the emotions we're experiencing as individuals and as a congregation. But now is the time to rise up, to learn from the many blessings of Rev. Tom's ministry. To embrace his courage, his wisdom born of experience, his humor, his outspoken messages. To continue to discover who we are and who God is calling us to be. What we will be in the world.
The wilderness is the epitome of the unknown, and we as humans have a hard time with the unknown, with uncertainty. Yet the wilderness also holds many mysteries, challenges and sweet surprises. It can be a dry and arid place, or a fertile ground ready to nourish seedlings. Moreover, these will cycle throughout our lives.
Breathe deep.
Let yourself journey through the wilderness.
In the company of all those in the spirit.
Blessing B – egin your day with L – ove in your heart E – xpect blessing S – hare goodness S – hine like the sun I – nspire some one N – ever forget that G – OD is with you all the time !!